Nitto Denko Group CSR & Annual Report 2011

CSR & Annual Report 201115Quality and Chemical Substance ManagementManufacturing safe and environmentally-conscious products through making improvements in response to customer feedbackThe Nitto Denko Group’s Central Quality Management Department introduced “Advanced Quality Management” in fiscal 2005 to ensure quality to the satisfaction of our customers.As part of such activities, we have developed a small group activity, “GATE” (Group Activity Toward Excellence) across the whole Nitto Denko Group, both domestically and abroad, aimed at a healthy working environment and quality improvement. By fiscal 2010, it had grown to become a large group activity in which 400 teams from 46 bases participate. The GATE Global Presentation in which selected representative teams from around the world present their activities every year was held with much fanfare in fiscal 2010 to mark its 5th anniversary.Furthermore, every year since 2005, we have conducted a survey of customers in the form of a questionnaire, or “Customer Satisfaction Assessment”. Aiming to enhance customer satisfaction, we continuously improve in line with the findings.To prevent the use of chemical substances which are harmful to humans and the environment, the Corporate Chemical Substances Department established self-governing regulations regarding the management of chemical substances used. The department continues to control raw materials procurement within the group.In fiscal 2010, we built a global law-abiding system in line with the revision of the “Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.” in Japan, “Provisions on the Environmental Administration of New Chemical Substances” in China, “Labor Safety and Health Law” in Taiwan, and REACH and CLP in Europe.Furthermore, in line with a rapid increase in customer inquiries about chemical substances used in our products, we continue to consolidate the systems to allow prompt responses to such inquiries.We administer chemical substances management within the Nitto Denko Group according to the “Nitto Denko Group Chemical Substances Management Database (NCM)”, which we implemented in December 2008.GATE Global PresentationThe manufacturersof materialsLegislative Currents around the WorldGrasp of Information onLegislative Currents bythe Chemical SubstanceManagement CenterChemical Substance Management Center or Relevant DepartmentsCustomersThe Nitto Denko Group’s Chemical Substance ManagementNitto Denko Group Chemical SubstancesManagement Database (NCM)Nitto Denko Group Chemical Regulation Database (NCR)Nitto Denko Group Raw Material Database (NRM)Nitto Denko Group Chemical Information System (CHI)Nitto Denko Group Product Composition Database (NPC)Requesting the manufacturers’ cooperation in the provision of information and content tests to the Procurement DepartmentInput of InformationAcquisition of InformationResponse to investigation of inclusion under the unified judgment standards through the utilization of a Document Issuing Request System


