Nitto Denko Group CSR & Annual Report 2011

CSR & Annual Report 201116Corporate GovernanceProcurementAiming towards global “Open, Fair and Best” procurementThe Nitto Denko Group considers procurement should be done globally in accordance with our spirit of being “Open, Fair and Best”. In particular, using CHI (Chemical Information System), which we manage through the Corporate Chemical Substances Department, environmentally-conscious and safe procurement is conducted in a timely manner.In fiscal 2010, the US government added “Conflict Minerals Regulation” in connection with the conflict in the Republic of Congo and stipulated that every manufacturer should be subject to US regulation and report on the source of specific metals used in electronic items. We are implementing a response to this directive.Safety Measures for EmployeesMaking Safety a Primary ConcernWith the Nitto Denko Group’s guiding principle of “Place safety before everything else” in mind, we have continued to take precautions to prevent accidents, aiming to create and maintain a working environment in which every employee can work in safety free from undue worry.Transition in “N” Accident Frequency Rate05101520253035400. accident frequency rateNumber of accidentsNumber of critical/fatal or serious industrial accidentsN accident frequency rateCritical/fatal industrial accidents:Industrial accidents resulting in long-term injuries (disabilities)Serious industrial accidents:Industrial accidents with the potential for long-term injuries (disabilities)N accident frequency rate: Number of critical/fatal or serious industrial accidents per total 1 million labor hours(FY)goalNitto Denko Shiga Plant Receives Award from Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareThe Shiga Plant recognizes the importance of industrial health and safety and has implemented management of health and safety in a planned and consistent way. Consequently, it has witnessed no accidents since March 1986. Underscoring the significance of this achievement, the plant received an Award from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for an excellent healthy and safe workplace on July 1, 2010.Nitto Denko Toyohashi Plant Receives Award from Labor Standards BureauThe Toyohashi Plant recognizes the importance of total safety and has made a united effort to strive to improve total safety. On September 16, 2010, the plant exceeded 8,100,000 man-hours of operation with no accidents.TOPICSOutside Honor


