Nitto Denko Group CSR & Annual Report 2011

CSR & Annual Report 201118Corporate Governance01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,000NCS training Student numbers by area and enrollment targets05,00010,00015,00020,00025,0009102,8004,2109,31017,01023,6702003001,0005001,0001,0001,0004002003001001006,4004001003002002001005,40060060100FY2007FY2008FY2009FY2010FY2011forecast USA Total numberEuropeSouth AsiaChinaTaiwanKoreaJapanNumber of students in fiscal yearTotal number of students(2)General Training (NCS*) *Nitto Denko Group Cultivation SystemWe give training in subjects necessary for all employees of the Nitto Denko Group, using common textbooks translated into several languages. Instructors are employees of each group company.NCS training began in Japan in fiscal 2007 and was developed for each country in fiscal 2010. We will continue this activity and aim for improvement in the quality of our business through the cultivation of our human resources in fiscal 2011.(3)Dispatching Trainees OverseasDispatching Trainees Overseas is a training system for young employees who will actively work globally from a medium- and long-term standpoint in the future.Dispatching Trainees Overseas began in fiscal 2004 and a total of 48 employees have been sent to overseas affiliated companies to date. Since fiscal 2010, in order to achieve further results, we have enhanced language education. We aim at improving our employees’ communication ability and at adjusting them to different cultures by having them experience homestays in English-speaking countries and developing countries. We implement the cultivation of human resources to develop employees who are able to work well by adjusting themselves to global business developments. At present 14 employees are on such a program learning at overseas group companies. Training at Nissho Hungary Precision KFT.We are expanding rapidly overseas.


