Nitto Denko Group CSR & Annual Report 2011

CSR & Annual Report 201137April 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011(Yen in Millions)Shareholders’ equityPaid-in capitalCapital surplusRetained earningsTreasury stockTotal Shareholders’ equityBalance as of March 31, 201026,783 56,153 352,316 -28,284 406,969 Changes of items during the periodDividends from surplus-9,898 -9,898 Net income55,743 55,743 Purchase of treasury stock-6,741 -6,741 Disposal of treasury stock18 1,071 1,090 Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equityTotal changes of items during the period—18 45,844 -5,669 40,194 Balance as of March 31, 201126,783 56,171 398,161 -33,953 447,163 (Yen in Millions)Valuation and translation adjustmentsSubscriptionrightsto sharesMinorityinterestsTotal netassetsValuation difference on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred gains or losses on hedgesForeign currency translation adjustmentsTotal valuation and translation adjustmentsBalance as of March 31, 20101,755 -284 -21,775 -20,304 1,067 992 388,724 Changes of items during the periodDividends from surplus-9,898 Net income55,743 Purchase of treasury stock-6,741 Disposal of treasury stock1,090 Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity-504 408 -9,156 -9,252 -219 226 -9,245 Total changes of items during the period-504 408 -9,156 -9,252 -219 226 30,949 Balance as of March 31, 20111,250 123 -30,931 -29,557 847 1,219 419,673 Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets


