Nitto Denko Group CSR & Annual Report 2011

CSR & Annual Report 20119In other plants, branches and sales offices, there was some damage, such as instances of falling cabinets and TV sets. However, the damage was not so serious and the facilities returned to normal operation as soon as the utilities were restored.In addition, there was no damage from tsunami.lKanto DistrictIn the Kanto district, there was strong shaking, however, we suffered little damage within the Nitto Denko Group.In the Tokyo area, as public transportation stopped, many employees were not able to return home. In the Nitto Denko Tokyo Sales Branch, approximately 80 employees were forced to stay in the office.Following that, we were affected by the severing of power lines and planned power outages, but were back to a normal state in April.(4) Effect on the Procurement of MaterialsIn addition to the disruption to distribution, damage to suppliers was not insignificant. Therefore, there were some materials that became unobtainable. But due to alternative supplies, little inconvenience occurred.(5) Effect of the Fukushima CrisisEvery base of the Nitto Denko Group is located at a distance of more than 30 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and was not directly affected by the Fukushima crisis. Materials purchased from inside the 80 km exclusion zone are used only after checking for radioactive contamination. Furthermore, in order to ensure the safety of our customers and employees, we measure radiation levels on a voluntary basis as needed.Supportive Activities for Devastated Areas (1) Monetary Donation from the Nitto Denko GroupWe donated 100,000,000 yen through the Japanese Red Cross Society for use in relief and reconstruction efforts.(2) Fund-raising by EmployeesEmployees of the Nitto Denko Group throughout the world made monetary donations. The proceeds from their fund-raising and each matching company donation were donated to the Red Cross Society in each country. The total monetary donation from the whole Group was 63,000,000 yen, half of which was from employees.(3) Donation of GoodsWe offered the following to devastated areas with the help of public offices and support organizations: lDisposable body warmers12,000 disposable body warmers made of our porous filmlMedical tape2,605 rolls of surgical tape, 912 adhesive bandages and 81 cases of medical dressings (all our products)lMasks and rubbing alcohol200,000 masks and 150 bottles of rubbing alcohol which had been reserved for an influenza pandemic in Nitto Denko CorporationlCOLOCOLO® (adhesive tape cleaner)300 COLOCOLO® and 217 packs of spare tape manufactured by Nitoms for cleaning up shelters in response to requests from Watari-cho, Miyagi Prefecture We are genuine in our desire for the reconstruction of devastated areas as soon as possible and will continue to offer assistance to such areas.Fund-raising activity in Nitto Denko Material (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Bake sale as one of the fund-raising activities in Hydranautics, U.S.Disposable body warmers sent to devastated areas


