Nitto Group Report 2016

8Nitto Group Report 2016• Materiality in ReportingItemsIssuesOur PositionPageSafety and Health•Incident management•Fostering a safety culture•Promoting safety activitiesAs our stakeholders take an interest in our employees’ safety and health, we recognize these are basic conditions for sound business activities, and place them at the top of our Corporate Philosophy as the most important material issue, and aim to provide a safe and secure working environment. pp. 9, 13Reforming Business Portfolio•Maintaining our optronics business’s high market share •Creating new business in Green, Clean and Fine domainsAs stated in the mid-term management plan, Nitto-2018.p. 10Consecutive Structural ReformPracticing Mu, Gen, Dai thoroughlyEnvironmental Conservation•Enforcement of environmental conservation promotion system•Reduction of environmental impact generated by business activitiesAs the environmental impact of our business activities is of great interest to our stakeholders, we are tackling environmental impact across whole supply chains.pp. 11, 14, 31-34Infrastructure and ResourcesEnforcing personnel system and organization supporting growthAs a global enterprise, it is indispensable for us to strengthen our infrastructure and resources and to have a diversity of human resources playing active roles. Furthermore, it is in our stakeholders’ interest that employment conditions are in accord not only with the laws and ordinances of each country and region where we conduct business, but also global standards.p. 15EmploymentEmployment and cultivation of diverse human resources and promotion of themCompliance and Human RightsThoroughly observing compliance and human rights enlightenment across whole supply chainsWe not only consider compliance, including ethical behaviors a core value, but also formulate policies for the protection of human rights, obeying global standards across whole supply chains.p. 16Risk ManagementAbstraction of and countermeasures against riskThe Nitto Group faces various risks. It is indispensable for us to understand and hedge risk for sound business activity.pp. 25-27Business ContinuityApproaches to BCMIn order to fulll our responsibility for the supply of goods and services, we have a secure business continuity management system to respond to various supposed emergencies, including natural disasters.Product ManagementManagement of chemical substances, quality, procurement and logisticsIn order to supply the number of products with the quality required by our customers whenever needed, we always optimize product management.pp. 28-30Social ContributionBetter relationships with local communitiesTo co-exist and develop together with local communities, we consider it important to return some of our prots to society, conducting social action programs.pp. 39-40•Solving social problems (social contributions) •New demand (business elds) •Customer satisfaction•Improvement of corporate value •Human resource growth •Job creation •Tax payments •Return of protsFunctional base productsAutomobile materialsInformation ne materialsPrinted circuit boardsProcessing materialsMedical-related materialsPolymer separation membraneProduct managementEnvironmental conservationCO2Product supplySegmentWaterdischargeOrganicsolventsIndustrialwasteOffering value in the elds of Green (environment), Clean (new energy) and Fine (life science) OutcomesGreenBasicFineClean


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