Nitto Group Report 2017

12Nitto Group Report 2017Jitsugen*-2019, which will guide us into the 2019 scal year that will end on March 31, 2020. Under Jitsugen-2019, we aim to increase our earning power by expanding business through the steady implementation of growth strategies in existing elds, such as smartphones and vehicles, and maximizing productivity via the “Mu Gen Dai” approach, which seeks greater efciency by streamlining every operation and process from the viewpoints of mu (removing), gen (reducing), and dai (replacing). At the same time, we will attempt to create new businesses in the Green (environmental concerns), Clean (new energy), and Fine (life science) domains. The Nitto Group has been able to identify opportunities presented by changes and, by responding to market needs ahead of the competition, combine and integrate diverse technologies and information from both within and outside of the Group. We will leverage this strength to continue creating new values.*The name of the new Mid-Term Management Plan is based on its aim to “realize” (jitsugen) the mid-term corporate strategies and performance goals without fail.into a heretofore-untapped market, we will enhance comfort and safety for passengers.The Nitto Group “places safety before everything else” in its business activities to ensure employees’ safety and health. Not merely aiming to achieve zero accidents and injuries on the shop oor, we will also continue to remind our employees of the importance of staying healthy and always acting safely.Nitto will celebrate its rst centennial in October 2018. In order for us to “realize” a further leap forward during the next hundred years beyond this commemorative milestone, we have drawn up the new Mid-Term Management Plan Fiscal 2016(Results)Fiscal 2017Fiscal 2019Fiscal 2018100th AnniversaryNitto-New CenturyWe will promote business portfolio reform, aiming for sustainable growth in the “Nitto-New Century”767.7 bln yenRevenue800.0 bln yenRevenue930.0 bln yenRevenue92.5 bln yenOperatingincome100.0 bln yenOperatingincome130.0 bln yenOperatingincomeBusiness expansion with high-value-added productsNew business creation in the “Green,” “Clean,” and “Fine” domainsBusiness portfolio reformCapital expenditure: 210.0 billion yenStrategic investment: 190.0 billion yenInvestment plan 400.0 billion yenProductivity reform by the Mu・Gen・Dai activityConsecutive structural reformMid-Term Management Plan• Mid-Term Management Plan “Jitsugen-2019”

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