Nitto Group Report 2018

Nitto Group Report 2018252017Membrane ProductsNeodymium MagnetsThe Nitto Group’s membrane products were created through the combination of multiple technologies, including polymer design/synthesis and thin lm formation. These various types of membranes are used for a wide range of applications, such as seawater desalination, wastewater treatment, and ultra-pure water production, with each membrane type having its own unique characteristics specialized for specic uses.ESPA®2-LD MAX, for instance, is a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane that achieves both energy conservation and high permeability by maximizing the membrane area per element. This revolutionary membrane was adopted for use in the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant (KMEDP) in Singapore, which will be the city-state’s rst large-scale water treatment plant capable of treating both seawater and fresh water. This plant has also been attracting attention thanks to its innovative design, as a lush green park will be built directly above the plant, and the plant In 2015, the Nitto Group applied its organic-inorganic hybrid technology*1 to successfully develop unique neodymium magnets that can be freely formed prior to the sintering process and are capable of controlling magnetic eld orientation*2. Since post-sintering shaving tasks are no longer necessary, material losses are reduced.Also, the ability to control magnetic eld orientation should help to improve motor performance by concentrating lines of magnetic force to increase magnetic ux density. Lighter and more compact motors should also help to increase fuel efciency and lower power consumption to conserve energy.*1Technology for combining organic and inorganic constituents on the nano and molecular levels*2Technology for manipulating directions of unidirectionally aligned magnet crystalsGreenitself will feature a public viewing gallery within its walls.Due to its small land area and the resulting difculty in collecting sufcient rainwater to meet its needs, Singapore is attempting to improve its water self-sufciency by increasing the utilization of recycled wastewater (NEWater*) and desalinated seawater. Since the year 2000, the Nitto Group has been engaged in the Singapore Public Utilities Board’s NEWater Projects. Through its water treatment membrane technologies, the Nitto Group has contributed greatly to furthering Singapore’s water self-sufciency. Furthermore, one of the main challenges faced by the KMEDP has been power efciency, and ESPA®2-LD MAX is expected to be a key factor in addressing this issue.*Recycled wastewater that is treated through cutting-edge membrane and ultraviolet disinfection technologies and satises the standards for potable water.CleanPolymer design/synthesis technologyCoating technologyThin lm formingtechnologySheeting / orientationorBendingOrganic substanceremovalSinteringOrientationOrganic-inorganichybrid technologySinteringtechnologyConvergenceFeatureProposals for the Future!

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