Adhesion is the function of holding two substrates together in a temporary or permanent state. Nitto develops and manufactures a wide range of adhesives which give the appropriate bonding capabilities based on related substrate, processing and application conditions.
Removability is the function of taking something away from its original position. Nitto has developed products that can be removed using hands, heat or UV light.
Permeation is the function of controlled release of a selected element such as water, air or light. Nitto manufactures coated and/or porous film materials that offer permeation in a wide range of applications.
Prevention is the function of stopping something from happening or arising. Nitto works with customers to prevent such problems.
Protection is the function of preserving materials and substrates in their intended condition when exposed to any kind of external influence. Nitto’s polymer systems provide excellent temporary or permanent protection for your materials during processing, storage, transport and product use.