The Nitto Group will continue its status as a company that highly values human rights
The Nitto Group respects human rights in accordance with international standards*1 regarding human rights. The Nitto Group not only complies with the laws of Japan but also respects the laws and regulations of the nations and regions where its business activities take place. In the event of conflicts between internationally-recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of Japan or the nations and regions where its business activities take place, the Nitto Group will work to adhere to the international principles of human rights.
Hideo Takasaki
President & CEO
Nitto Denko Corporation
*1 The Nitto Group aims to continue its status as a company that highly values human rights. Toward this end, the full Group will promote and carry out activities necessary to make respect for human rights a matter of course in all business conducted, as based on our Corporate Philosophy.
*2 The process of identification, prevention, and reduction of negative impacts on human rights, and of taking responsibility for the handling of such impacts.
If there is any contradiction between the Japanese and translated versions of the Policy, then the Japanese version shall take precedence.
Minerals produced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and neighboring African countries are in widespread use by industries around the world. Armed insurgents who receive funds and profit from this mining, directly or indirectly, are said to be heavily involved in internal strife accompanied by serious human rights violations in this region.
Under these circumstances, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reached a decision in August 2012 to make it mandatory for all concerned firms listed on the stock market in the United States to disclose information on their procurement of specified minerals (the "conflict minerals" in Note 1), beginning in 2014. Studies to this end are already widening throughout corporate supply chains, and specification of smelters in the distribution process is considered particularly important.
The CSR Procurement Survey and CSR Procurement Supplier’s Evaluation Checklist for the suppliers of the Nitto Group contain questions concerning the protection of human rights.
By using the results of these as a reference, we ensure that there are no human rights violations with child labor or forced labor within, or even outside of, the Group.
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