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Financial News

Business Results
10-Year Summary (consolidated)

April 1 - March 31
  Yen in Millions U.S. dollars in Thousands
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009
Statement of income
Sales 365,697 338,930 378,705 452,726 514,867 626,316 679,822 745,259 577,922 601,859 6,468,820
Operating income 34,824 19,314 33,901 55,912 70,018 89,224 69,037 77,954 13,838 56,086 602,816
ratio to sales 9.5% 5.7% 9.0% 12.4% 13.6% 14.2% 10.2% 10.5% 2.4% 9.3% 9.3%
Ordinary income 35,330 19,748 35,832 58,045 71,828 90,196 67,319 74,468 14,807 58,833 632,341
ratio to sales 9.7% 5.8% 9.5% 12.8% 14.0% 14.4% 9.9% 10.0% 2.6% 9.8% 9.8%
Net income 15,850 1,115 19,237 33,386 41,842 55,306 41,201 46,634 267 37,570 403,805
ratio to sales 4.3% 0.3% 5.1% 7.4% 8.1% 8.8% 6.1% 6.3% 0.0% 6.2% 6.2%
Segment information
Operating Segment Information
Industrial products (Note 1) Sales 196,535 183,699 192,179 191,682 207,366 251,384 268,888 256,910 209,491 194,711 2,092,767
Industrial products (Note 1) Operating income 13,229 4,640 11,502 13,437 16,539 22,938 28,019 27,921 8,300 14,667 157,642
Electronic products (Note 1) Sales 132,144 119,626 146,780 219,709 261,541 327,398 356,941 432,332 314,315 355,357 3,819,400
Electronic products (Note 1) Operating income 16,391 10,633 16,848 38,881 47,152 58,713 31,449 40,852 -933 37,290 400,795
Functional products Sales 37,018 35,604 39,745 41,333 45,959 47,533 53,991 56,016 54,114 51,789 556,632
Functional products Operating income 5,203 4,039 5,550 3,592 6,326 7,573 9,568 9,180 6,470 4,128 44,368
Segment information by geographic area
Japan Sales 248,009 237,459 252,881 286,322 295,115 271,186 268,364 256,288 207,263 203,982 2,192,412
Japan Operating income 28,776 16,727 29,803 51,158 65,918 76,888 52,535 44,969 3,305 34,897 375,075
North America Sales 37,983 31,337 33,386 37,216 35,836 38,580 42,349 45,054 39,002 37,766 405,911
North America Operating income 1,402 172 1,027 -2,399 -2,479 -1,078 -663 338 -1,298 2,012 21,625
Europe Sales 17,614 13,287 14,496 16,422 17,392 19,395 23,787 29,172 25,519 26,933 289,478
Europe Operating income 1,024 248 447 509 246 693 1,587 2,178 -20 1,147 12,328
Asia & Oceania Sales 62,090 56,845 77,940 112,764 166,522 297,153 345,321 414,743 306,136 333,177 3,581,008
Asia & Oceania Operating income 3,495 1,340 2,396 6,547 5,936 12,575 12,382 27,614 8,368 17,952 192,949
Per share information Yen U.S. dollars
Net assets per share 1,305.8 1,314.5 1,367.4 1,360.7 1,583.8 1,943.7 2,192.3 2,297.1 2,148.2 2,320.9 24.95
Net income per share 93.5 6.4 108.5 198.0 252.7 332.3 248.3 280.1 1.6 225.5 2.42
Dividends per share 21.0 22.0 24.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 40.0 0.43
Shares outstanding (thousands) 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 173,758 -
Shareholders 14,903 15,556 17,144 20,999 16,725 16,057 35,224 41,309 63,479 66,032 -
Balance sheet
Total assets 357,653 350,340 379,811 389,525 443,264 556,934 604,208 595,972 558,258 624,992 6,717,455
Equity 226,893 228,409 237,560 223,114 261,090 321,464 364,942 382,627 357,839 386,664 4,155,890
ROA 4.6% 0.3% 5.3% 8.7% 10.0% 11.1% 7.1% 7.8% 0.0% 6.4% -
ROE 7.2% 0.5% 8.3% 14.5% 17.3% 19.0% 12.0% 12.5% 0.1% 10.1% -
Equity to total assets 63.4% 65.2% 62.5% 57.3% 58.9% 57.7% 60.4% 64.2% 64.1% 61.9% -
Capital investment 26,716 34,684 28,306 31,731 40,101 60,889 75,324 59,406 55,926 37,147 399,258
Depreciation cost 18,344 20,442 21,143 21,386 24,681 31,470 40,169 49,617 50,556 44,810 481,621
R&D expenses 12,423 13,053 13,851 15,822 16,739 20,489 21,733 22,096 21,716 20,876 224,377
Number of employees (Note 2) 13,834 13,685 15,389 18,926 22,454 27,865 32,101 33,663 28,640 31,288 -
  • Note 1. From FY1999 to FY2002, electronic component-related products are categorized in "Industrial products".
  • Note 2. Part-time employees are included.
  • Note 3. The exchange rate Japanese yen and US dollars is the rate at March 31, 2010, which was JPY93.04 to USD1.00.

Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets

Assets Amount
As of March 31, 2010 As of March 31, 2009 (Reference)
(Yen in Millions)
Current assets: 381,554 289,234
Cash and deposits 171,921 113,965
Notes and accounts receivable-trade 135,727 93,524
Merchandise and finished goods 19,776 20,300
Work in process 27,031 28,960
Raw materials and supplies 11,120 11,726
Deferred tax assets 8,444 7,164
Other 8,364 14,264
Allowance for doubtful accounts Δ 831 Δ 672
Noncurrent assets: 243,438 269,023
Property, plant and equipment 208,405 230,188
Buildings and structures 99,069 100,566
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 73,921 81,019
Tools, furniture and fixtures 7,972 8,716
Land 19,119 19,688
Construction in progress 8,323 20,198
Intangible assets: 7,273 8,579
Goodwill 56 65
Software 4,030 3,633
Other 3,186 4,880
Investments and other assets: 27,758 30,255
Investments securities 8,890 7,578
Deferred tax assets 9,703 8,674
Prepaid pension cost 5,642 9,682
Other 3,771 4,620
Allowance for doubtful accounts Δ 248 Δ 301
Total assets 624,992 558,258
Liabilities Amount
As of March 31, 2010 As of March 31, 2009 (Reference)
(Yen in Millions)
Current liabilities: 149,688 153,718
Notes and accounts payable-trade 79,531 53,879
Short-term loans payable 10,667 28,832
Commercial papers - 25,000
Accrued expenses 18,590 11,667
Income taxes payable 15,746 1,545
Other 25,153 32,793
Noncurrent liabilities: 86,579 43,409
Bond payable 50,000 -
Long-term loans payable 14,316 20,923
Provision for retirement benefits 19,219 18,351
Provision for directors' retirement benefits 514 506
Deferred tax liabilities 181 348
Negative goodwill 0 574
Other 2,347 2,705
Total liabilities 236,268 197,127
(Net assets)
Shareholders' equity 406,969 379,310
Capital stock 26,783 26,783
Capital surplus 56,153 56,166
Retained earnings 352,316 324,740
Treasury stock Δ 28,284 Δ 28,380
Valuation and translation adjustments Δ 20,304 Δ 21,471
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 1,755 1,040
Deferred gains or losses on hedges Δ 284 Δ 129
Foreign currency translation adjustment Δ 21,775 Δ 22,382
Subscription rights to shares 1,067 1,086
Minority interests 992 2,204
Total net assets 388,724 361,130
Total liabilities and net assets 624,992 558,258

Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Income

  April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010 April 1, 2008 - March 31, 2009 (Reference)
(Yen in Millions)
Net sales 601,859 577,922
Cost of sales 440,714 455,763
Gross profit 161,144 122,158
Selling, general and administrative expenses 105,058 108,320
Operating income 56,086 13,838
Non-operating income: 6,297 4,808
Interest and dividends income 394 663
Foreign exchange gains 304 899
Miscellaneous income 5,597 3,245
Non-operating expenses: 3,550 3,838
Interest expenses 1,348 1,278
Equity in losses of affiliates 84 173
Miscellaneous loss 2,116 2,386
Ordinary income 58,833 14,807
Extraordinary income: 967 995
Gain on sales of noncurrent assets 227 93
Other 739 902
Extraordinary loss: 6,103 14,127
Loss on sales and retirement of noncurrent assets 3,299 5,359
Impairment loss 256 5,014
Special retirement expenses 226 739
Other 2,320 3,014
Income before income taxes 53,698 1,676
Income taxes-current 18,669 3,232
Income taxes-deferred Δ 2,695 Δ 2,820
Minority interests in income 153 995
Net income 37,570 267

Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (for reference)

  April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010 April 1, 2008 - March 31, 2009
(Yen in Millions)
Ⅰ. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities
Income before income taxes 53,698 1,676
Depreciation and amortization 44,810 50,556
Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade Δ 41,992 43,149
Increase (decrease) in inventories 2,892 8,354
Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade 26,358 Δ 41,844
Interest expenses paid Δ 1,520 Δ 1,369
Income taxes paid 1,418 Δ 19,831
Other, net 16,832 10,599
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 102,498 51,290
Ⅱ. Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities
Increase (decrease) in time deposits Δ 61,013 660
Purchase of noncurrent assets Δ 33,955 Δ 61,396
Proceeds from sales of noncurrent assets 729 509
Other, net Δ 2,348 Δ 524
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Δ 96,588 Δ 60,751
Ⅲ. Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
Increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable Δ 23,838 21,046
Proceeds from issuance of bond 50,000 -
Increase (decrease) in commercial papers Δ 25,000 25,000
Repayment of long-term loans payable Δ 420 Δ 781
Cash dividends paid Δ 9,995 Δ 13,325
Other, net 123 14,765
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Δ 9,129 46,703
Ⅳ. Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 124 Δ 2,758
Ⅴ. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Δ 3,095 34,484
Ⅵ. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 113,722 79,238
Ⅶ. Cash and cash equivalent at the end of period 110,627 113,722

Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets

April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010
  Shareholders' equity
  Paid-in capital Capital Surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Total Shareholders' equity
(Yen in Millions)
Balance as of March 31, 2009 26,783 56,166 324,740 Δ 28,380 379,310
Changes of items during the period          
Dividends from surplus     Δ 9,995   Δ 9,995
Net income     37,570   37,570
Purchase of treasury stock       Δ 3 Δ 3
Disposal of treasury stock   Δ 13   99 86
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity          
Total changes of items during the period - Δ 13 27,575 95 27,658
Balance as of March 31, 2010 26,783 56,153 352,316 Δ 28,284 406,969
  Valuation and translation adjustments Subscription rights to shares Minority interests Total net assets
  Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Foreign currency translation adjustments Total valuation and translation adjustments
(Yen in Millions)
Balance as of March 31, 2009 1,040 Δ 129 Δ 22,382 Δ 21,471 1,086 2,204 361,130
Changes of items during the period              
Dividends from surplus             Δ 9,995
Net income             37,570
Purchase of treasury stock             Δ 3
Disposal of treasury stock             86
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 714 Δ 155 607 1,166 Δ 19 Δ 1,211 Δ 64
Total changes of items during the period 714 Δ 155 607 1,166 Δ 19 Δ 1,211 27,594
Balance as of March 31, 2010 1,755 Δ 284 Δ 21,775 Δ 20,304 1,067 992 388,724

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