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Health and Productivity Management

The Nitto Group's Good Health Declaration

The Nitto Group engages in health promotion activities, guided by The Nitto Group's Good Health Declaration.

The Nitto Group's Good Health Declaration

The Nitto Group considers human resources our most valuable assets. The Group is committed to promoting health measures and improving the health of its employees, to safeguard their physical and mental well-being and to enable them to live secure and happy lives with their families.

Hideo Takasaki
President, CEO and COO
髙﨑 秀雄

Our Approach to Employee Health

With ESG at the core of its management, the Nitto Group conducts many activities under its Basic Policy on Sustainability. We treat ESG initiatives as a business investment, not a cost. With this in mind, we are working to convert “future-financial” activities into “financial” value and then into corporate value. In addition, we work to recruit and develop talents and create workplace environments under our Basic Policy on Human Resource Management, which considers human resources our most valuable assets.

Likewise, we focus on employee health. Considering human resources our most valuable assets, we engage in health promotion activities throughout the group, knowing that investing in employees' health revitalizes the organization with increased employee vitality and productivity, ultimately leading to better business performance and higher corporate value.

Promotion Structure

Under the president of the company, we are standardizing the management system led by the executive officer in charge of human resources. The Health Promotion Secretariat within the Head Office Human Resources Department works in cooperation with each site's Human Resources and General Affairs Sector, occupational health staff, the Health Insurance Association, and the labor union. Through their Safety and Health Committee and other meetings, each site holds discussions on a regular basis with the Human Resources and General Affairs Sector, occupational health staff, and the labor union, confronting health problems that affect the site and the group as a whole.

Target Values and Priority Issues

The Nitto Group views smoking reduction measures, mental health issues prevention, and lifestyle-related diseases prevention as three priority issues, and has established target values for each of them.

▼ The following scrolls horizontally with a swipe.

Priority Issue FY2023 Target Value FY2027 Target Value
Smoking Reduction Measures 26% or lower smoking rate 20% or lower smoking rate
Prevent Mental Health Issues No more than 10% of employees suffering from high stress
1% decrease in employees taking mental health issues leave (Compared to FY2022)
Zero harassment cases
Percentage of employees suffering from high stress kept under 10%
5% decrease in employees taking mental health issues leave (Compared to FY2022)
Zero harassment cases
Prevent Lifestyle-related diseases 3% improvement shown in lifestyle behavior change questionnaire results (Compared to FY2022) 8% improvement shown in lifestyle behavior change questionnaire results (Compared to FY2022)


Health Management

Introduction of health management system

The Nitto Group has introduced a health management system for occupational health staff to centrally manage employee health information such as health checkup results and medical records. Health checkup results are returned and stress checks are conducted through the system, encouraging self-assessments and greater health literacy.

Physical Health

Exercise support (the walking event)

For three years in a row, beginning in FY2021, we have organized the walking event called “Teku-teku Torino.” About 5,000 participants, including top managements, have praised the event as worthwhile opportunities to promote their health and increase amount of communication. Individual sites and labor union chapters also hold their own walking events, contributing to group-wide efforts promoting physical exercise.

A walking tournament has its “goal” set at Turin, Italy, where the Nitto ATP Finals are held.
Sites compete against each other for the highest average number of steps.

Support towards healthy meal

Seminars are held by registered dietitians to improve employees' health literacy. The dietitians also work with site cafeterias to provide healthy menus, conduct breakfast provision campaigns, and more.

Meal prepared with a “Healthy menu” (max. 655 calories)

Metabolic syndrome countermeasures

The Health Insurance Association conducts lifestyle-related disease screenings for insured personnel aged 35 and older. Some sites conduct InBody measurement sessions and interviews with young overweight employees to improve awareness and encourage behavioral changes.

InBody measurement session

Smoking cessation support

In FY2023, we launched an online support program for employees trying to quit smoking, using smoking cessation aids. The company covers 80% of the participation costs. Some sites are calling for smoke-free slogans, and measuring carbon monoxide concentration levels, and more.

Preventative dentistry

The Health Insurance Association conducts dental network checkups for insured personnel. Some sites offer dental rinses on a trial basis, promoting preventative dentistry.

Women's health

The Health Insurance Association conducts cervical and breast cancer screening for insured personnel. Seminars on women's health are held, and men are also encouraged to participate to promote further understanding at the workplace.


We support club activities. Also, the labor union organizes a group-wide sports tournament every year.

Scene at a club activity
At a group-wide sports tournament

The Health Insurance Association fully covers the cost of complete physical examinations for insured personnel and dependent spouses of a certain age. It also provides partial coverage of the cost of brain disease screenings.

We have established channels for distributing health information through the company intranet, providing an environment for employees to obtain important health information when needed.

Mental Health

Promoting self-care of mental health

Mental health seminars are held to improve employees’ health literacy. In addition, early hires are given interviews with the Head Office Human Resources Department and occupational health staff. Transferees receive post-transfer follow-up through interviews with occupational health staff. Some sites have introduced pulse surveys and mental health monitors to provide employees an opportunity to check their own mental health status.

Support from external resources

In addition to promoting self-care of mental health, external Employee Assistance Program (EAP) measures are also being introduced, to proactively catch signs of mental health issues before employees feel unwell.

Workplace Health

Mental health support from supervisor

Seminars are held for section heads to explain ways to provide mental health support for subordinates. The Nitto Group also conducts stress checks mandated by the Industrial Safety and Health Act. The results of these stress checks inform each workplace to promote improvement activities – when analysis results are returned, group-wide briefings are held to improve the self-assessment skills of section heads.

Measures to prevent long working hours

To help ensure appropriate working hours, a system using office entry/exit logs and computer logs has been introduced. All employees receive an e-learning course on working hours to promote a better understanding of working hours and attendance management.

Employee engagement survey

Every two years, an employee engagement survey is given to all Nitto Group employees in Japan and overseas. Basing their efforts on the survey results, each site takes the initiative in local engagement improvement measures.

Prevention of infectious diseases

We offer financial assistance for flu vaccines. In FY2021, some sites provided on-site COVID-19 vaccinations.

Health maintenance support for expats

Expats and their accompanying family members receive medical checkups, just as workers in Japan do. In recent years, periodic follow-ups have been enhanced to improve the percentage of personnel receiving medical checkups. Complete physical examinations are provided for employees of a certain age. Before being posted overseas, personnel attend a health management seminar that explains health management systems and illnesses to watch out for during their time overseas. Consultation services are provided through external organizations, allowing personnel to consult with doctors and counselors in Japan while they are overseas.


▼ The following scrolls horizontally with a swipe.

Priority Issue 2020 2021 2022
Periodic medical checkup
participation rate
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Secondary medical checkup
participation rate
63.0% 63.2% 66.9%
Stress check participation rate 96.2% 93.0% 91.3%
Specific health checkups
participation rate
95.9% 96.0% 94.7%
Specific health guidance
participation rate
55.6% 50.6% 51.5%
Proper weight maintenance rate 60.1% 58.9% 58.7%
Smoking rate 33.2% 29.1% 29.3%
Percentage of personnel who
exercise regularly
20.8% 18.3% 23.6%
Percentage of personnel who
“get adequate rest through sleep”
55.8% 52.1% 56.8%
Percentage of personnel who
drink alcohol habitually
15.3% 22.1% 22.0%
Percentage of personnel at risk
for high/low blood pressure
0.7% 1.2% 1.3%
Percentage of personnel considered
to be at risk for abnormal blood sugar levels
0.5% 1.0% 1.1%
Percentage of personnel with
poor diabetes management
1.6% 1.2% 1.5%
Overall health risk index 100 100 99
Percentage of personnel
with high stress
14.8% 14.5% 13.3%
Average annual paid leave
utilization rate
72.5% 72.9% 78.9%
Average annual paid leave
days taken
14.5 days 14.3 days 15.6 days

[Note] Specific health checkups participation rates and specific health guidance participation rates are calculated from data on employees enrolled in the Nitto Denko Health Insurance Association who are directly employed by Nitto Denko Corporation. Average annual paid leave utilization rate, and average annual paid leave days taken are calculated from data on regular employees of Nitto Denko Corporation. All other figures are calculated from data on employees who are directly employed by Nitto Denko Corporation.

External Certification

As a result of these activities, We were able to be certificated as a “2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program” and a “2023 Sports Yell Company.”