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Health and Productivity Management

The Nitto Group's Good Health Declaration

The Nitto Group engages in health promotion activities, guided by The Nitto Group's Good Health Declaration.

The Nitto Group's Good Health Declaration

The Nitto Group considers human resources our most valuable assets. The Group is committed to promoting health measures and improving the health of its employees, to safeguard their physical and mental well-being and to enable them to live secure and happy lives with their families.

Hideo Takasaki
President, CEO and COO
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Our Approach to Employee Health

With ESG at the core of its management, the Nitto Group conducts many activities under its Basic Policy on Sustainability. We treat ESG initiatives as a business investment, not a cost. With this in mind, we are working to convert “future-financial” activities into “financial” value and then into corporate value. In addition, we work to recruit and develop talents and create workplace environments under our Basic Policy on Human Resource Management, which considers human resources our most valuable assets.

Likewise, we focus on employee health. Considering human resources our most valuable assets, we engage in health promotion activities throughout the group, knowing that investing in employees' health revitalizes the organization with increased employee vitality and productivity, ultimately leading to better business performance and higher corporate value.

Promotion Structure

Under the president of the company, we are standardizing the management system led by the executive officer in charge of human resources. The Health Promotion Secretariat within the Head Office Human Resources Department works in cooperation with each site's Human Resources and General Affairs Sector, occupational health staff, the Health Insurance Association, and the labor union. Through their Safety and Health Committee and other meetings, each site holds discussions on a regular basis with the Human Resources and General Affairs Sector, occupational health staff, and the labor union, confronting health problems that affect the site and the group as a whole.