알루미늄 호일 테이프
P-11은 우주항공 및 광범위한 산업 분야용으로 제작된 고성능 아크릴계 접착제를 도포한 내용제성 연질 알루미늄 호일 테이프입니다.
The information contained herein is based on all the documentation, information and data that can be obtained as of the date issued.
However, Nitto Denko Co., provides no warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information on contained amount, physical or/and chemical properties, and hazards or/and harm mentioned herein.
As for SDS of products categorized as "Article", Nitto Denko Co., voluntarily creates and releases the SDS for the particular products which frequently receive inquiries.