Notice of the 157th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Correction to the Notice of the 157th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Supplementary Explanation for Items 3 on the Agenda of the 157th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of resolution at the 157th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of the 155th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Supplementary Explanation for Items 4 on the Agenda of the 155th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Additional Supplementary Explanation for Item 4 on the Agenda of the 155th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of resolution at the 155th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
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Çalışma saatleri (Türkiye saati ile)
8:00-17:30(Cumartesi, Pazar ve Tatil Günleri Hariç)